Sunday, July 15, 2012

Heavy Metal Lover

Hype it here!

Now we're talking! Heavy Metal Lover, FYI, is one of Lady Gaga's songs from the Born This Way album.
I so named this look as such because of the metal colored fashion I had used.
They are Gold, Silver, and Copper.
I wore a pair of skinnies and an out-to-go shoes to show that this look is just a normal day look lol

VANS for the specs.

Copper Blazer by Kasuotan and WTS

I wore a gray undie here, it's cheap lol. I usually use it at home and when I go out somewhere.
The neckpiece is do-it-yourself.
The cross pendant was given to me by my late brother-in-law, R.I.P.
T.V. Ring and gold cuff (as I call it) by WTS. 

and this shit is me. mehehe

That's it.

I'm blogging!

Obviously this one's my first post and I really don't understand why I did this blog.
But anyway here's a little diddy I did for the school of Education's Centennial Acquaintance Party.
As a part of the school, it has been labelled that I always do the visual stuff around.
Not to mention, I'm a shiftee. I'm a former BSIT student. I don't feellike programming.
much as I don't want to teach but whatever.

Education Academic Organization Acquaintance Party's motif is to wear anything
that would perfectly describe yourself. WHAT THE HELL.
As the chief of the visual thingy for the party, I entitled the party myself.
but LOL. like everybody will?

here's the first one.

here's the catch: I didn't include the person for it to bring out the idea of fashion
defining the person instead. This one's actually one of my faves. 

EPIC FAIL ALERT. I actually find it hard whether people would notice it as a dress.
There's a neckpiece if I you're to ask me.

This one's one of my favorites. It took me time to finish this.

seriously, I really don't have a sense of "feminine" fashion.
I really don't appreciate doing these kinds of things.

Finally, this poster is the official poster of the EAO Acquaintance party 2012.
This is posted on the School of Education's bulletin board.
The 4 photos on top are posted on the different bulletin boards in the University.

Hope you all like my works. :)

P.S. Omg, i just blogged. haha